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Headlong Dance Theater's This Town Is A Mystery

Five Live Arts-Fringe Shows That Will Move You

The 16th annual Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe marks a change in venue and stages some kinetic programming.

Boys High School

Greetings from Philadelphia: City Architecture In 3.5x5-Inch Glory

The Design Advocacy Group's new exhibit looks at citys architecture through postcards, aiming to find modern, postcard-worthy buildings.

Alexis Jeffcoat tweets as we photograph in Laurel Hill Cemetery

Why Philly Clicks: Arts & Culture Sector Masters Social Media

Museums, theaters and even cemeteries across the city have developed innovative social media tactics to stand out in a crowded space.


Can PIFVA Create a Hub for Philadelphia's Filmmakers?

A 2,100 square foot coworking space and media hub is proposed on three floors above PhillyCAM's headquarters at 7th and Chestnut.


ON THE GROUND: A Photographer's Dream from Lancaster Ave. to Lincoln Highway

Drexel grad Mike Arrison's inspired work is on display for Second Friday at our On the Ground space at 4017 Lancaster.

Hashem Ashrafiuon

RESEARCH ROUNDUP: Tackling Concussions With Software, Grandma Lizard, Stomaching Cancer

A Villanova professor believes a personal brain-wave sample could help better determine the existence and severity of concussions.

The Circuit

The Circuit: Giant Collaboration Promotes, Extends Region's Trails

Region's trail network expected to triple in next two decades with guidance from groundbreaking, 34-member coalition.

Art for the cash poor

PHILLY 3 FOR ALL: Reelabilities, Public Pianos, Art for Cash Poor

Films that reveal and inspire, 704 keys that don't play themselves, and some of the best art made in the city at bargain prices.

Swiss Chard at Down to Earth Harvest - Rittenhouse

Five Philly Farmers Market Vendors You Can't Miss

A diverse array of purveyors can be found at markets across the city, providing fresh takes on cutting-edge practices and artisanal flavors

Brotherly Suds

PHILLY BEER WEEK: Behind the Brewing of Brotherly Suds 3

Find out which local brewers collaborated to bring this year's official Philly Beer Week brew to life, plus a home brewer's best bets for next week's celebration.

Karen Zinn abstract

ARTS&BUSINESS: Getting Strategic With Philadelphia's Magic Gardens

With help from the Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia, KZB Advisors principal Karen Zinn facilitated a strategic plan that will help Isaiah Zagar's gang of mosaic magic-makers keep shining on.

Alexandra Schmidt-Ullrich, Will McHale, and Katie Winkler.

Philly Works Reveals City's Hidden Underbelly of Makers

This partnership that promotes Philadelphia's makers has a call for submissions for its annual Qualities of Life Philadelphia show through July 1.

Art Star

PHILLY 3 FOR ALL: Free Speech, Brewerytown Spring, Art Stars

See this year's best film on free speech and get crafty with mom with hundreds of vendors and lots of music and good food across the city.

Redevelopment from Spring Garden St, headed north

Are Pieces Finally in Place for North Broad's Renaissance?

Between Temple University and Spring Garden Street, recent developments seem to be creating a cultural and educational destination. 

262 E Sharpnack

Land Bank Legislation Needs Path for Donating Parcels to CDCs

With more than 20,000 vacant parcels posing significant costs on neighborhoods, there is little time to waste, says Anuj Gupta of Mt. Airy USA.
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