When Cindy Gruenwald started Doylestown's
Creating Community magazine 17
years ago, the term "going green" hadn't yet taken over the American
lexicon and Al Gore was famous for simply being the Vice President.
Creating Community was launched with a very specific community in mind;
those interested in healthy living, sustainability and personal fitness.
All these years later, the community is stronger than ever, leading
Gruenwald to take her green guidance to the next level. Her new dating
ANaturalAffinity.com, matches singles with similar interests in
leading a healthier, more active and more environmentally friendly
"All of my single friends, no matter how crunchy granola they may be,
were doing online dating because they found it hard to meet other single
people" says Gruenwald. "And then, in doing online dating, they go on
Match.com and there aren't enough like-minded people. Or they go on
GreenSingles.com but there are not many people in their area. People who
are interested in this range of things, it is generally not a casual
interest like loving German Shepherds. These are really cornerstones of
someone's lifestyle."
For fans of a more active lifestyle, there are groups and events
calendars so dates are built right into the social fabric. The site even
offers a list of conversational topics and access to message boards so
you can chat before you date. Gruenwald announced the site this week
with the hopes of going live January 1. In the meantime, Creating
Community is looking to hire two staffers to help manage the site going
forward, so that all the features work as they should.
"People want to connect with other people in their area," says
Gruenwald. "The range of topics is the thing, really, the range of
interests we have put together really drives people."
Source: Cindy Gruenwald, ANaturalAffinity.com
Writer: John Steele